Additional Resources
Pollinator Partnership promotes the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. They have resources on their website including planting guides, garden cards, webinars, and consulting services.
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab is a research group at University of California Berkeley that has been active since 1987. They survey and document native bees within the Bay Area and take note of which habitats specific bees prefer. On their website, you can find current projects, as well as information about native bees and restorative gardening. This information includes seasonal plant guides specific to the Bay Area.
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
California Native Plant Society
The California Native Plant Society is a great resource for Californians learning about which plants are native to to their area, down to their specific zip codes! Use the calscape search function to find out what natives to plant. CNPS has multiple chapters in California, all of which invite volunteers and offer memberships.
With Honey in the Heart is a project based in San Francisco, founded by Patricia Algara of Base Landscape Architecture. The mission of "With Honey in the Heart "focuses on connecting people to their surrounding environment, educating about the benefits of pollinators, creating healthy habitat for all pollinators and elevating the status of bees as the divine beings that they are and their crucial role in pollination and our well being through policy and advocacy." They have educational materials, including a list of nurseries that abstain from "Neonic" use.